Everything comes in cycles, doesn't it? I feel like I'm perpetually doing the "what will i be when i grow up" talk... So here it comes again.
Why? Oh, this is a good one.
My mom told me the other day that the "problem" with me is that I have too many dreams. Honestly. She said this out loud. She told me that even though it's not in my heart, I should go to school and become a nurse. Because it's the practical, smart thing to do. She is right. It is a smart move. However, I just can't seem to do it. I just really don't want to. And why should i do something that I really don't want to do?
"Because you have a family to think about. You can think about yourself and your dreams when they are all grown up."
My heart absolutely sunk. First of all, Damn!, how disheartening! And wow, to think that she must be so resentful of having children... since she didn't get to do the things she wanted to do because she had kids. (Am I reaching here?) More, though, it pissed me off a bit because I don't think I'm only thinking about myself.
I do, however, think that now is the time to go back to school. I think it makes sense to get an additional degree because I will be more financially stable with that added degree. Especially up here in the sticks... I've about hit my ceiling in earning potential until I have an MA or PhD after my name. And the truth is: I really do want a career. That is important to me.
So what should I do? INFJs are supposedly drawn to being librarians, ministers, teachers, holistic health practitioners, artists, architects, nonprofit directors, blah blah blah. Good with people 1:1, liking the big picture, into problem solving, yadda yadda. I know what I like in my job. I know what I don't like. So where's the rub? Too many to choose from. I almost wish someone out there would choose for me.
And the dreamer in me? What would I do if I could do anything in the whole wide world? I'd be a fabulous fashion designer with a side of handbags and home decor. And there goes my mom's voice in my head, "You know what your problem is...?"
Practical. But artistic.
Architect it is.
at this moment in time, that is.