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Wednesday, February 02, 2005


After reading C's blog today, and getting some devestating news last night about my friend, Sarah, I thought it would be a good time for some thankfulness.

I am thankful to be healthy. And that my son and husband are healthy. We have no life threatening illnesses, we are not disabled in any way, we can live our lives fully.

I am thankful for my family and friends. Although we all sometimes get frustrated, lose touch, have arguments, whatever... I have people in my life who I can count on. People who truly care about me.

I am thankful for where I live and work. Portland, Maine is possibly the most wonderful American city I have ever lived in (which is why I moved back, I suppose). The people are friendly and loyal, the coast is gorgeous, the way of life is laid-back, there's an incredible arts community and plenty of things going on. The Peabody Center does amazing things; I feel good about the work that I do and the clientele. The people I work with are fantastic, and the humor keeps me going.

I am thankful for my life. For all the times I hem and haw about finances, job searches, continuing education, kid vomit/poop/snot on my clean clothes, finding a babysitter, working late, being hung over... Today, none of that matters. I love my life. Sometimes I need to stop bitching and remember that.


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