Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker Lilypie 4th Birthday Ticker

Wednesday, January 26, 2005


Nope, I sure didn't go to the gym last night. But I drank the water and I read and wrote and didn't eat any nasty things that I wanted to. I had a beer, but it was Miller LIGHT and that should count for something.

Nope, I decided to stay home with my husband and talk about life and cuddle in our small but warm house. Sometimes that's better than having rock hard abs. Let's face it-- I'm never going to have rock hard anything.

I am back at work, doing the 2pm to 10pm shift (which is decidedly not my favorite), and thinking about more goals for the rest of the day:

1. Drink 32 oz. water.
2. Do strength routine (might have to draw the shades for that one!).
3. Write email to someone I have neglected. (I actually called Betti this morning, so that might just count).
4. Try not to get restless with Residents looking over my shoulder as I make dinner for them.
5. Figure out how to cross things off of lists with blogger's editing tools.
6. Work on Aar's book.

I decided to make Aaron a book for his birthday, which is coming up soon. I like making books and doing crafty things. You know how there are things about yourself that you are embarassed to admit? I have several. One of them is the fact that I love scrapbooking. Yup, laugh it up people. This book for Aar is definitely going to be cheesy, but he's cheesy and I know he's going to like it.


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