Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker Lilypie 4th Birthday Ticker

Thursday, December 22, 2005


i am utterly exhausted.
and the holidays haven't even started yet.
plus i can't believe it's been about 6 months since i last posted on this. where has the narcissism gone??

much has changed since summer.
first of all-- i got my dream job, within the same agency, so now I am the head of residential services for people living with HIV/AIDS in southern maine. i've got two different facilities to run, one is a transitional house and the other is a long term assisted living facility. it's a huge job and i'm psyched. but busy and overwhelmed and still trying to get my head on straight.

secondly, our two-unit apartment is this close to being ready to rent. So that feels good and is wonderful. we are ready to get somebody in there, and maybe two somebodies, so that we can buy another place. now the debate is, do we go for more city life? or do we move up to "the county" (as we call it around here) and live off the fatta the land with 15 kids as farmhands.

and so that's the other major development: we are, infact, expecting bambino number 2! this is awesome and very exciting, but it's hard for me to be excited all the time since i feel like i'm about to vomit at every moment. i did not get physically ill when i was preggo with O-Bird, but for some reason, this one is making me nauseas, lightheaded, and leaving me with a general feeling of malaise all day long. i know it won't last forever, but i'm ready to start glowing, dammit.


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