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Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Advice Needed

Please advise...

As I think all of you know, I have been planning to go back to school in the fall. My plan is to get my masters in religion & sexuality/reproductive health. It's a good combo of all the things that I'm interested in, and keeps me connected to the HIV/AIDS stuff, women's health, etc.. I'm even thinking of combining it with classes at UNE's Public Health program. It's just a really nice mix.

Okay, so that was the major plan. The only question remained-- how would I do school and work? Would I work a few hours and do school full time? PT school? PT work? It was all kind of up in the air.

Meanwhile, I'm getting this offer from the E.D. to get a promotion. To do HR stuff and really do policies and head things up. She makes it sound like she's grooming me to do "big things" or something. All of this is very nice and strokes my ego and all that. So today, I talked with my E.D. about school in very hypothetical terms. I did not put a time frame on it, but I told her of my plans for a masters degree and how I felt that that would play into the organization. She basically said that if I go back to the school this fall (or earlier than next fall) then she doesn't think it (meanind working here) will be do-able. She believes that if I gave a year commitment here (until next August), doing policies and stuff (which i love, by the way), then after that, FPC could be very flexible with my going back to school.

So do I stay at FPC this year and do only part-time school?OrDo I go back to school as planned and just volunteer or something at FPC and let the job go?

Help! Help!


Blogger Dr. The Bird Man said...

This is a tough call. upon thinking about it for a few minutes, I'd stay at your job and take the promotion. You can always quit and go back to school next year right...Is there a rush to go back to school?...its not like you are waiting to have kids till you get through school. It sounds like you have a one time opportunity at your job that you won't be able to get back. The University will be there in a years time and you've already proven that you can get into the program. You should consult with the degree program to ensure that they won't automaticallly reject your applications in the future or if there is a chance to differyour admission 1 year.
I am just one guy though. I don't know any of the back ground details about your relationships with co-workers etc. If Cate had been offered a good oppertunity at her job, I probably would have advised her not to take it cause the work environment is unhealthy so that should factor in.
Anyway, like I said after a few minutes of thought...I'd take the promotion and put school on hold 12 more months.
Please don't get mad at me if you do take the promotion and it ends up sucking.

3:30 PM


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