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Sunday, March 06, 2005

coming out of hiding...

it's been forever since i last posted. sorry cate-- miss you!

i've been doing a bunch of soul searching and reading and doing "the artists way". i've been doing these morning long-hand sessions... trying to figure out why i have no childhood memories. focusing on my artwork. focusing on me and what i want in life.

i've come to a lot of conclusions and i'm feeling really good about where i'm headed. things seem clearer. more on that later.

what i am looking for now is positive reinforcement on my art. aaron is giving me a ton. but i want it from my second circle. my 'first circle' are those people in my life who know me better than all others: they are family and tight, tight friends. the 'second circle' are those people who are close, but know me in one capacity or another... they know parts but not the whole. i am looking to those people to come and say, "hey, you are talented. i like your stuff. you are real, you are..." one of the things i'm realizing about myslef is my unending quest for approval. in short, my experience has been that once i've made a mistake/bad decision/or the "real" me has reared it's ugly head, i'm faced with disapproval which leads to abandonment. and that's the real fear. losing people.


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